martes, 10 de agosto de 2021

Essay #3: Writing About a Poem

I know first-hand what Elizabeth Bishop wrote in “One Art”

 Elizabeth Bishop’s poem spoke to me profoundly, she wrote about a matter I can personally relate. She was an American poet and short-story writer, and her poem “One Art” was written in 1976, the main point involves losing something, or somebody is not a great disaster. I can say that pain brings growth in a brutal way; after a great emotional distress comes a relief, it may arrive right after or it might take years, and losing someone is not the end of the world. In this essay I will talk about what losing a friend is to me, why some sadness still remains, and the acceptance that my life goes on.

Losing loved friends is such a major deal to me, my heart broke every time one left and when I least expect it, past memories of better times come to mind. In my case I have lost four friends, yes! I kept the count. Each one of those girls was really special to me, and I do not want to think further if they still being. I do know the reason why each one departed from my life; it hurts deeply to know that none of them cares about me anymore, and that I might still concerned about them in some way.

Oh! Sadness… I am still grieving even after all of these years… why? Because I trusted them blindly, believed that they were loyal to me and that I was indispensable in their lives like they were in mine. So silly of me; what a naïve girl I was! I think I have some resemble to Mrs. Popov, I am a forever loving friend who mourns her lost pals persistently; actually, not that obstinately as she did, from time to time I do forget about my sorrow and delight in the time I spend with my current friends.

My acceptance came eventually; I realize that they will never rush back and my life must go on. As I write this, I can see clearly that they never ever felt a concern that deeply for me and my wellbeing. But all of a sudden, inadvertently I remember one of them, and I wonder what she might be doing, has she taken her vitamins today or if she is fulfilling her dreams and goals. I know that in my journey through this life, people will come and go, some will stay and love me truly and some will leave forever; and I am okay with that.

To conclude, physical or emotional ache is needed in order to mature; the alleviation does not always come immediately, but when it hits you, it makes you acknowledge that what went away will not return, and you must deal with that fact, and once you make truce with it, it will bring you a great peace to body and mind. Losing friends was excruciating to me. I do get sad from time to time. I have accepted that they are perpetually gone, and as the author said, it was not such a disaster.




Select one of the following topics:
  1. Explain why you liked or disliked one of the poems or the character (or speaker) in a poem.  
  2. Explain how one of the poems presents an idea or attitude that you have observed in society. 
  3. Explain how one character is similar to you or how a situation is similar to one that you have experienced. 
  4. Analyze one element of a poem, such as the theme, speaker’s attitude, symbolism, or irony.  




Hasta la próxima,

By Warrior Princess


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