lunes, 8 de febrero de 2016

Feelings: Unemployment.

I never imagine that getting a job in my country would be so hard. I graduated five years ago and still in the statistics of unemployment. I apply to every job vacancy I see. Most of them require that the applicant most have some previous experience in the field. I’m like most of the graduated population that went to school without having a job while studying. So it’s hard to find a job. Really hard.

I have the knowledge, but I’m lacking of the experience that is only acquire by working in the field. But the corporations don’t see that. They want people of young age with many years of experience, makes no sense!!

Many young people like myself studies all four or five years of university without distractions (a job) so we can graduate fast. But that seems to be a mistake.

In Honduras doesn’t exist internships programs where to apply in order to work for some time so in this way acquire part of the necessary work experience the corporations asks.

My hope goes up and down. It’s hard to keep it up all the time. It’s hard to see the sun through the clouds when it’s pouring outside. But I must motivate myself, I’m my own cheerleader, nobody will do it for me.

I’d like a job in higher education, but the universities don’t seem to “need me”. I guess I should insist until someone shows interest in me.

Warrior Princess

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