miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2022

Writing a short story - "Stuck on Earth"

 Stuck on Earth

I hate this freaking planet! Believe me I hate it with all my soul! It lives up to its name, there is a lot of loose earth everywhere. I woke up this morning under a cloudy sun. I had just fallen asleep on the green and coarse grass the night before because of boredom. My days are an endless routine of watching the humans do the same things over and over again and reporting it to the high command. These beings are below me and my rank! I’m not only a soldier of the Pleiades Army, but a decorated general of the imperial army! I was the youngest to ever achieve the rank of general. In my time serving the King, I had won wars and conquered worlds in his name! Why the hell I’m on Earth you may ask… Well… Yeah… It’s because of that time I didn't want to have unasked sex with the good Crown Prince.


After my refusal, he convinced his father, the King, that my rank had gone up in my head and that I wanted to kill his fiancée, because I was the better option. So, the King and the General of the Army, decided as a punishment to lower my rank and sent me as a spy to this decadent and filthy planet, full of beings who have not yet invented the warp engine. I couldn't believe it; my life was ruined by the lie of an immature idiot! The good Crown Prince think he's smarter than everyone else and has not yet achieve the rank of captain. By this time, he should be at least a major. Poor loser! He’s an only son… but he’s still the one to be blamed for his own stupidity. I hate him with a rage of a thousand suns!


On one of those nights when the Palace has those balls of very formal garments, the Crown Prince asked me to dance a slow tune with him, which I didn’t refuse. After all, I was a little drunk, that wine they served was very sweet, and I have this weakness for sweet things. The crown Prince was very kind and attentive to me that night. So, I never thought that by taking me to a balcony and hiding behind a curtain, he would try to have an inappropriate approach to me without my consent. At first, I just assumed he only wanted to talk more in a quieter place. What happened next my drunken brain thought I was imagining it. He was the crown Prince after all, how could this be happening?


Following a moment of chit chatting, the Crown Prince approached me from behind, and I felt one of his hands inside my cleavage and the other one trying to go underneath my dress. I grabbed his hands and pushed them away from me, turned to him and yelled, "What's wrong with you!" To which he said, " We are in confidence, it’s a slight and sexy touching between friends.", trying to touch me once more.No” – I screamed – “Get off me!”. He then looked at me with eyes of contempt. I know he felt despised, because he called me names, I won’t repeat. Immediately afterwards, he went running to seek his father to tell him that I took him to the balcony to express to him that I’d kill his fiancée if he didn’t marry me.


And now, I’m stuck in this planet working like if I was a clerk officer. Sometimes I wonder is that red dress I wore to the ball had some kind of a curse… I know it’s not my fault, his actions belong to him only, but it’s a recurring thought I have. That night I shouldn’t have left my pocketknife at home, you know what I, a trained army woman would’ve done to him... I know I’d be rotten in prison, but at least I’d be eating better engineered food and breathing better quality air. Well, my reader, I must get up and report to my post. The daily paperwork is not done by itself. And by the way, today is casual Friday, and I’m feeling like wearing a red shirt. See ya next time.