martes, 27 de diciembre de 2011

Can Anybody Find Me Somebody To Love?

I can’t believe I’m writing this post with this title. Me, asking for such favor?! C’mon! It’s gonna happen when it has to happen. We shouldn’t be “looking for the right person/the one/our better half”, since it’s a spontaneous act, we just should “go with the flow”, because we see every one that crosses our way as a potential partner and we lose the chance to meet new friends. Many of you should be ‘sick and tired’ of being “alone”. Friends and family are no longer enough to keep us happy and distracted, we’d like to experiment a new face in our life: ‘not being single anymore’.

According to my research of ‘advantages of having a partner’ (because I’m no expert in the field of couples -since I’ve never been in one- there’s a lot if information, google it and you’ll see I’m telling the truth XD) I found this (as many of other advantages you may discover when you get one -in case you’re single like me- or you know for sure -more than me, ‘cos you already have one).

1.-You will always have someone to date with. (He or she will go with you to the cinema, to a picnic, to anywhere you’d like to).

2.-You will feel less lonely. (Have you ever felt like no one cares about you? Well, with a partner you won’t feel like that again).

3.-You can expand your social life. (This means that not only you can hang out with your friends, but also can with your partner’s friends).

4.-You will have someone to share important moments of your life. (Your family and friends always share them with you, but when you have a partner those moments are even greater)

5.-You will have someone to celebrate February 14 and other important dates. (Even though you have your friends... read point. Find them in here.

All of that sounds great, doesn’t it? I’d like to live it someday (and repeat it endlessly). Why is so “hard” to accidentally meet that ‘better half” we desperately seek? Is not easy to chill when you feel ready to share your life with a nice person that’ll “suit you in every aspect”.
Many say that feels great to love and be love in return. It’s the best “thing” that anyone could experience in their life. Others say they weren’t meant to live those “stupid corny things”, that’s “a waste of time and money”. The first I mentioned you would say: “they think like that because they’ve never fallen in love”. Might be true… leave it to the guess.

Love happens (Hollywood made a movie with that title in 2009. Wow! It’s been two years now. I remember the trailer, a man writes a self-help book about broken hearts and it becomes a best-seller, he is not yet recovered from his loss and meets a florist, “falls in love” with her [wanna know more? See the movie]). Hollywood makes tons of films about love as main theme and even when’s not the central subject, love happens between the two lead character (and/or sometimes between the secondary characters too). So, EVERYONE wants to live it, feel it and embrace it, otherwise no one would pay a ticket to see that kind of movies. Love happens, heaters, deal with it!!

I’ve met many men in my life… some were better than others, but none of them was the so called “the one”. I haven’t discovered him yet, but I’d like him to have this “qualifications”:

1.-He must be an Engineer. (Period).
2.-He’s got to like rock music. (I’m a pop gal, so I’m looking for variety)
3.-He must be in a band or play and instrument. (Flutes do not count).
4.-He must have a vast culture. (Be intelligent and love what he does).
5.-He must speak fluent English. (I won’t be translating everything I say).
6.-He must show that he cares about me and enjoys making me happy. (No one jumps into a relationship where you practically are going to be alone/abandoned and sad/angry all the time).

Anything else he brings along with him is going to analyze very carefully under a microscope that amplifies every single of his flaws. Kidding!! He could do the same to me. I’m not perfect and not pretend to be. But those six qualities are indispensable and not negotiable, that’s what the man of my dreams basically is. He could have other qualities that could drive me crazy about him and make me think that he for real is “the chosen one”.

What about how I am? I should describe myself now (I’m not good at it).

1.-I’m impatient. (That’s not a quality, but it stands out by its own).
2.- I’ve been told that ‘my smile lights up the room’. (^_^)
3.-I type fast. (¬.¬)
4.-I like music. (Is so wide and open to anything. I listen to it in many languages ♫ ♪ ♫).
5.-I don’t like to dance.
6.-I’m romantic. (Whether I like or not. u_u)
7.-I’m very creative. (I like to make handcrafting stuff).
8.-I like to write, but don’t read that much.
9.-I’m willing to have movies/anime marathons.
10.-I like eat many times a day. (Whenever there’s snacks to-easy-reach).

To learn more about me you'd have to be willing to know me, first. I’m a very “special”, so no any man is disposed to pass over the cover and reach further the introduction. I know I’ve got a lot more to offer, there are qualities I haven’t developed yet, I might need the right help to do so.

Well, it’s time to finish this post. Hope you have had some kind of experience reading this “thing”. Leave a comment to correct me if I’m wrong in something or to amplify my short vision or to bring you expertise to this matter.

Thanks for reading. Be blessed.
Warrior Princess

Les dejo dos versiones de «Somebody to love»

La original de Queen

Y la de la película "Ella Enchanted"

jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2011

Veintidós de Diciembre de Dos mil once

¡Hola! No estoy de muchos ánimos hoy, me ha pasado casi de todo...

Flash informativo: Estoy desempleada otra vez.

Renuncié a mi trabajo en la maquila al mes de haber comenzado (ni siquiera terminé la capacitación de seis semanas). Odiaba ese lugar y me enfermé del pecho. Dos días después de haber puesto la renuncia -que por cierto fue tan anti-personal: llegué a la Oficina de Personal y dije que venía a poner la renuncia, me dijeron que estaba bien. Licda.: Tome asiento. Yo: Tomé asiento. Entonces la licda. me dio una hoja de papel, lápiz y comenzó a dictarme la carta de renuncia. La escribí tal y como ella me decía, la firmé y la entregué. Me dijo que se me pagarían los últimos días trabajados (tardaron una semana o más en pagarme L.700.00 ¬.¬)- conseguí un trabajo como asistente de gerencia en 'Eventos y Banquetes'. Me despidieron a los 12 días dizque por no cumplir con las expectativas del puesto. El problema es que mi exjefa tenía unas expectativas muy altas, dado que la última asistente era la mujer maravilla, y como yo tenía (tengo) título universitario, creo que creía que yo daría el ancho/llenaría el hueco dejado por la última asistente. "Ni modo. Así es la vida."

En el plano amoroso, tampoco ando bien. El último pretendiente 'se echó pa'trás'. "¡Tan bien qué íbamos!" No daré más detalles, sólo diré que estaré soltera hasta que ya no lo esté más.

Vuelvo a ser desempleada :C That puts me sad ans very down. Estoy tan bajoneada que casi por todo me dan ganas de llorar. Hasta el apetito he perdido. Comer no me produce placer alguno, nada me sabe "rico" y el agua es tan insípida.

Actualizando: Para esta navidad tendremos "casa nueva". Le estamos poniendo el piso de cerámica y se ve tan distinta... Está quedando muy bonita. 'El baño de la sala' está quedando "de locos"; todo comprado por aparte -sin considerar si combinaba o no, pero combina bien.- [El polvo que hay en lo muebles, el desierto del Sahara se queda corto =P ].

No tengo más que decir. Hasta la próxima mis estimados lectores. Feliz navidad y próspero año nuevo.