lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2011

Me Siento Segura En El Nidito

10 meses de no hacer nada me tenían que afectar: me siento nerviosa, tengo mariposas en el estomago. También siento que se me ha olvidado todo lo que he aprendido, sea en educación formal o informal. Me siento como una “cabeza hueca”, [de cultura general recuerdo que la Cleopatra famosa, la que todos conocemos, la que se metió con dos generales romanos, la que murió con la mordida de una serpiente, era Cleopatra VIII].

He estado 10 meses en mi casa haciendo muy poco: asear la casa una vez a la semana [no hay mucho que hacer, se mantiene limpio la mayoría del tiempo, and I don’t like to be repeating the same routine of yesterdays…], lavar los trastos cuando hay una pila enorme… he visto TV muy poco [sólo por las noches 2 ó 3 horas, no todas los días], oigo más la radio todos los días a casi todas horas. Me he estado levantando tarde, muy tarde. Chateo todas las noches [vicio que pronto tendré que restringir o casi aniquilar]. En este tiempo leí dos libros por completo: «Viaje Al Centro De La Tierra» por Julio Verne y «El Alquimista» por Paulo Coelho; disfrute más el primero, el segundo me llevó casi dos meses terminarlo, es que en cierto punto de la lectura me aburrió tanto, que lo dejé tirado y regresé para leerlo, para conocer el final de la historia y tener un comentario “objetivo” del mismo. “Sigo leyendo” «Azul» de Rubén Darío, [me da hueva leer tantos “adornos” literarios… y yo escribo poesía… ¬.¬].

¿Qué más hice? Fui a nadar dos o tres veces a la piscina. Fui dos o tres veces allá cerca de Cedeño, no nadé, porque el agua del sur es demasiado salada y me irrita la piel. ¿Qué más? Remodelamos el baño que da a la sala. Le di mi escritorio a mi hermano [60cmx120cm]. Fui al cine tres veces, [dos a 3D] y todas la veces de invitada. Compré ropa y zapatos. Bajé 8 libras [me faltan otras dos o tres]. Me “deprimí” y le eché la culpa al universo, la vida y a todo mundo, también escribí poemas acerca de eso. Comí sushi tres veces, dos veces lo hice yo. Hice pizza 6 veces, y me invitaron a comerla no sé cuantas otras. Volví a ver muchas películas de  la vasta colección que tiene mi papá. Lloré unas cuantas veces. Elaboré unas cuantas manualidades. Visité a mis amigas. Salí a “rolear” con otros amigos. Fui a dejar CVs a muchos lados. Ya casi, casi tengo trabajo, sólo me falta firmar contrato.

Estoy tan cerca de poner fin a estar vida que he llevado de “relax” y “ocio”, que se me hace difícil dejarla. Como dije al inicio «tengo mariposas en el estomago». Me siento nerviosa, no sé cuánto me tomará acostumbrarme a mi nueva vida. Espero dar el ancho en este nuevo trabajo, cumplir con las asignaciones que me pongan y superar las expectativas que mi jefe tenga sobre mí. ¡Ya siento el peso del mundo encima! L ¡No puedo tirar la toalla antes de empezar! Si quiero cumplir mis metas, tengo que aguantar y superar los retos que me pongan en frente. J ¡Si Dios conmigo, quién contra mí!

Wish me "luck"!

Les puse esa canción de Linkin Park, porque más o menos así me siento, y el ritmo me gustó más. ¡Qué la disfruten!

sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2011

I’ve Found A Job

Yes my readers, I’ve found a job. Finally after ten months of seeking one. Now I must suck it up and take the bull by its horns. It’s not the job I wanted, but this company has given me a chance and I must be thankful because they will train me, pay me and provide me “a light”… in this journey I’ll figure it out what to do with my life. I know what I want, but not the way to get it.

You must be wondering why I’m writing this in English, I’m kinda practicing, my superior will be an English speaker; I feel like I’m out of practice, I can write it good, but speaking it in real time takes me many seconds –might be minutes– to enter to “the zone”. [For those who not know what “the zone” is, it’s a “zone” in the universe where you are connected to what you do and it just flows so naturally].

Oh, I haven’t told you how it all started.
Last Wednesday –August 31- I went to what I thought was going to be a job interview, but instead they –the people of HR of the Textile Factory- applied psychometric tests to everyone that showed up that day; well, there were like 70 people, but they only applied the tests to 40 of us –obviously I was of the 40 lucky ones. The first test was about “how fast can you solve problems”, there were 50 questions I answered like 28. The second one was about “conceptualizing and finishing sequences”, I did 34 out of 36. The last one was solving math problems -addition, subtraction, division and multiplication- with whole numbers and decimals, I did many… All the tests had a limit time, so we were competing against time to complete and answer the most of questions of each test. When we finished the last test they took them to revise them and see our score –I guess I didn’t mention that we had to do a minimal score to pass. They left us in the room for about half of hour, they came back and announce the “winners”, and just eleven of us were called. They told us to come back on Friday -September 2- for an interview with them.

I showed up on Friday with my resume. They asked me things already were in my resume, but they always do that in order to verify that you are the owner of that resume and everything you’ve written in it it’s true and you’re not making things up. They also asked me things that weren’t there, like what were my parents names, what did they do for living, why I didn’t get a job in the place I did my internship, how much I’d like to earn and things like that. After I’m done they told me to come back on Wednesday –September 7- to have another interview, but this time with the COO –Chief Operations Officer. I went on the assigned day at the assigned time; I was the last one to have the interview.

Many people I know very well told me they had the feeling that this job was going to be mine –I must tell that I had the same feeling too. I told myself that if this job was going to be mine, no mattered what I answered I was going to have it anyway. I answered with many: “I don’t know”, “I’m clueless” and “I have no idea”. See?! When something it’s destined to be yours, it’s going to be yours because it’s yours already you think/dream of it –but it might take a while for it to come to you, so be patience and ask to our Father to provide you with plenty of patience and perseverance.

Since I speak English they assigned me to the Quality Department, because my boss speaks better her mother language and find it hard speaking mine. Next Wednesday –September 14- I have to leave them some documents they asked me, like: my criminal record, copy of my college degree, Id and birth certificate, as well two letters of personal references. I guess that same day I’ll sign my first job contract. Wow! I feel important. Next Friday –September 16- I’ll start the training as well as my very first day at work. Yey me! I’ll work 52 hours per week – Monday to Saturday- with a paycheck of -in words of the COO- the salary of a newly graduated engineer. What else? The name of the company it’s Grupo Beta, has Textile Factories in USA, México, Costa Rica, El Salvador y Nicaragua too.

Wish me countless blessing and tons of success!

In other post I'll tell you what's like working 52 hours per week. L