jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2021

A descriptive paragraph from Oct. 20th, 2020, Reading & Writing workshop

 Why I love pizza!

 Pizza is my favorite food all over the galaxy! To begin with, the crust I prefer the most is the thin one, due to its obvious thinness, but also crunchiness and ease of chewiness. Additionally, let’s talk about the Italian tomato sauce. It’s made out of freshly cut tomatoes and has a perfect mix of herbs, consistency, thickness and red shade which with the crust alone will make every bite in your mouth becomes a celebration of a gastronomical journey. Lastly, I don’t like veggies on my pizza, yuk! That’s why I prefer a more carnivore one with meat toppings such as ham, salami and sausage, but not any kind of sausage! The traditional mix of spices, unique taste, smell and texture of the German, Spanish or Italian sausage on its own can transport you outside the pizza place and take you to their place of origin. Unquestionably, all the ingredients combined together with the addition of melty cheese and my always beloved mushrooms create the ideal pizza slide that I love! And for that I render thanks to the gods of pizza for creating such delicacy not worthy of us humans. Moreover, I do feel grateful to be alive and have the chance to devour it!